Wednesday, November 4, 2015

OSHO:-- There are three layers of energy.

One: the ordinary energy which you use in daily work: eating, walking, working, typing, this and that, just the superficial layer. Underneath is a bigger layer of energy. If, doing anything, you come to the point where the thin top layer is finished, that does not mean that your energy is finished; only the top layer is finished. Then the top layer is saying, "Stop." Don't stop, continue. Soon the second layer is broken open, and becomes available. You were thinking you cannot jog, and now you can jog for hours!

Then again a point comes when you feel, "If I go on jogging now, I am going to fall down and die." It is not just tiredness -- it is almost death. First it was tiredness, now it is almost like death. This is the third layer in you, which is vast. If you continue and you say, "Okay, if death comes it is okay, but I am not going to stop," the third layer opens up, and you have never seen such energy in you.

That sometimes accidentally happens to you. You are tired. The whole day's work and everything...and suddenly your house catches fire! You were thinking to just jump into bed and forget the whole world...and the house is burning! You forget all about your tiredness. Suddenly you are fresh, young -- as fresh and as young as you have never been, and you are running here and there, and doing all kinds of things -- perhaps it will take the whole night to put the fire out. And you will do it, and you will not feel tired.

What has happened? The same thing that Gurdjieff was trying to do methodologically. But once your mind becomes aware of these three layers, with each layer new powers are attached. With the ordinary layer you cannot do much. Scientists say that even the most talented person uses only fifteen percent of his energy -- the most talented, it is not about everybody. An Albert Einstein uses perhaps fifteen percent of his energy.

The average, ordinary person never goes above seven percent. Einstein, using fifteen percent, becomes aware of many things which you are not aware of. He lives in a different universe than you live in. His universe is so vast you cannot even imagine it. It was said that while he was alive there were only twelve people in the whole world who understood exactly what the theory of relativity means -- only twelve persons all over the world who understood exactly what he means! But if you use thirty percent of your energy, fifty percent of your energy...who knows what is in store?

So this student of mine.... He was a Mohammedan, and Mohammedans are fanatic people, very stubborn; trustworthy, but idiotic. Idiots are always trustworthy because they cannot doubt, they cannot suspect. So what I told him to work upon, he started working on it. He was a woodcutter's son, so I said, "You go with your father and cut wood as much as you can. And when you feel you are going to fall down, you cannot raise the ax again, that is the moment that you have to raise it. Then is the right time to begin work. Up to then it was only superficial. From there Gurdjieff comes in." He did it.

One day he came running to me, very much shaken and afraid. He said, "What is happening? I was going in the bus and I just thought...a strange thought, I had never thought such thoughts before. A man was sitting in front of me with his back towards me and I just thought: just by my thinking can he be made to fall from his seat onto the floor of the bus? And the man fell!"

He was just thinking this: "Can it happen?" and it happened. He became very frightened, but he thought perhaps it may be a coincidence, so he tried it on another man -- and the other man fell! The driver said, "What is going on?" One man falls for no reason at all, because there is no jerk, no turn. Then another man sitting just falls down, and he is not asleep; his eyes are open.

And my student asked those two persons what happened. They said, "We don't know." But he thought that before he came to me, he should try on the driver. He tried it on the driver, and he caused a whole accident of the bus in which two persons died and many were injured. Then he came running to me. He said, "What is happening?"

Now, unknowingly he had got that energy by which he could project ideas into somebody's head, and they would work. Now his mind was becoming crystallized, coming closer. It was only the second layer. I told him, "Do you want to enter into the third layer? -- because in the third layer you can cause the death of somebody. If you trust yourself, I can give you the method to go into the third. But then, that power -- are you capable of not misusing it?"

He said, "No. I am capable of misusing it. And forgive me, I was wrong when from the very beginning I said to you, 'Don't say to me whether Gurdjieff is right or wrong, just give me the method' -- because I was reading the book and I was so impressed. I don't want to go into it. This is dangerous."

From Unconsciousness to Consciousness, Chapter 19

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